"Halka" is a gripping Turkish drama series that revolves around the unlikely alliance of two young men from diverse backgrounds who join forces to confront a complex conspiracy. Together, they embark on a relentless quest to uncover buried secrets, expose hidden truths, and battle the sinister forces of the Mafia, wealth, and deceit. As they dig deeper into their investigation, they come face to face with the ominous and enigmatic "Halka," an entity whose true identity remains shrouded in mystery. With suspense, intrigue, and high-stakes drama at every turn, "Halka" offers viewers an exhilarating and suspenseful journey into the heart of intrigue and danger.
· 26 Jun 2024
Meri Ajj taki sab se backwass drama series yehe hai, aik tu itna bura drama ur phir ue se bhi buri sub hai is ki mujhy bilkul pasand nahi aya ye drama.....................................................
· 08 Sep 2023
Well done. Good job thank you so much for your effort. One more request can you please upload vuslat with urdu subs. And i will guarantee you that. That drama will be on top of all of them.